Etamsylate - 250 mg
Tranexamic Acid - 250 mg
3x10 Alu-Alu
Sytrax is a combination of etamsylate and tranexamic acid.
Etamsylate is a haemostatic drug and is work by increasing capillary endometrial resistance and promoting platelet adhesion.
Tranexamic acid is a synthetic analog of lysine amino acid. It is used to prevent excessive loss of blood during surgery and in various types of disorder and surgery. It is an anti-fibrinolytic which inhibits the activation of plasminogen to plasmin.
Tranexamic Acid
It completely inhibits the activation of plasminogen which causes reduction in the conversion of plasminogen to plasmin. It also inhibits plasmin activity.
It is a haemostatic agent, which promotes angioprotective and proaggregant action. It also stimulates thrombopoiesis and its release from the bone marrow. The drug produces haemostaticaction due to activation of thromoblastin formation on the small damaged blood vessels and decreased PgI2 synthesis. It reduces the bleeding time and blood loss from the wound healing.
Tranexamic Acid
After oral administration the drug is 30-50% absorbed. The bioavailability of the drug is not affected by the food intake.
The total volume of distribution is about 9 to 12 L. The plasma protein binding is about 3%. Less than 5% of the drug is metabolized.
The drug follows urinary excretion through glomerular filtration
After oral administration it is well absorbed
The drug is bound to protein and well distributed
The drug is excreted through urine in unchanged form